Free BREAKFAST Every Saturday Morning


During this time of self-quarantine have you found yourself praying less? Do you still feel like your prayer life is struggling and in the midst of social distancing you’re also distant from God? We’re here to help! Join our intercessors as we touch and agree with you. Dial-in (508) 924-5055 12pm & 6pm Daily

On Sunday, March 29th at 10:00AM, The Temple of Praise will be distributing FREE GROCERIES. It will be First Come, First Served. While supplies last. We are also accepting donations, you can make a monetary donation by clicking the link below. Click Here to Donate online -> via Cash app $thetempleofpraise or by Text2Give – Text “TOPDRIVE” to 866.706.2112 (ex. TOPDRIVE $50)
COVID-19 Update

PLEASE CONTINUE TO WORSHIP WITH US ONLINE!!! God will get the glory, and The Temple of Praise will continue to stream all services via the web at We strongly encourage you to watch via the web and enjoy the services online. Please note that you will also be able to give online via your secure give app. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM PHYSICAL CONTACT For those attending service, please remember to refrain from physical contact and use hand sanitizer in the spirit of Ecclesiastes 3:5 (b), for the bible states there is “a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,” Beloved, this is such a time to refrain from embracing to ensure the safety of all members, and our community. MARCH CONFERENCES AND WEEKLY MEETINGS CANCELLED We understand that the Mayor has declared a State of Emergency for the District of Columbia and the President of the United States has declared a National Emergency recommending postponing or canceling essential mass gatherings, including conferences and conventions. We are following all the guidelines. Consequently, all special events scheduled for the month of March will be canceled or postponed. We will continue to adhere to the recommendations related to the definition of mass gatherings and will monitor closely local, state, and federal health agencies. We will update our church community as additional information becomes available. Please be advised that The Temple of Praise is canceling all sub-ministry meetings (meetings may be held via video or phone conference calls or Zoom), hospital, nursing home, and in-person visits for the remainder of March, effective today, Friday, March 13, 2020. WE ARE COVERED BY THE BLOOD We want to emphasize that this action is a precaution; only taken to provide peace of mind to our members, volunteers, and families. There are currently no confirmed or unconfirmed cases of COVID-19 associated with the Temple of Praise. We continue to pray and stand on the Word, that our God who has all power will continue to cover all of us with the precious blood of His son Jesus! For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1: 7. For the latest updates please visit the CDC coronavirus web page: CDC Coronavirus Update. Agape! Bishop Glen A. Staples and Pastor Walter Lamar Staples
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Want to see what God can do through you? Begin serving right away and see the immediate difference you can make. We are interested in people with the following backgrounds: HTML CSS WordPress Professional oral and written communication skills Adobe Photoshop Adobe After Effects Adobe Illustrator Photography Video Editing Interested? Use the provided form and someone will reach out to you shortly!