Mission & Vision Statement

The Temple of Praise
Mission & Vision Statement

Our Mission

The Temple of Praise is a family of believers in Jesus Christ who come from many paths of life that include the local community, neighboring jurisdictions, and beyond. We are divinely connected by the Holy Spirit who guides us to rise above and overcome life’s greatest challenges. Although our common struggles unite us, it is our faith in God individually that strengthens us collectively. Through the inspired teaching and passionate preaching of the Holy Word of God, we are better, and we thank God for it. One of the ways we show our gratitude and service to God is through our faithful attendance in weekly worship services and Bible study where God inhabits our praises every time we come together. It is an experience to behold! The presence of God keeps us grounded while compelling us to live a life of prayer, study, and service to others. We are so excited about the Word of God and how God has made our lives better, we want everyone to experience this joy and freedom. We offer Christ to the lost and the suffering in various ways, every day, and everywhere we go. We don’t stop there, we provide ministry programs, community services, and fellowship opportunities where we help each other become better disciples of Christ. We know that if we are better, everything and everyone around us is better- our homes, our families, our jobs, our businesses, our ministries, our community, our church, and ultimately, God’s kingdom. It is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.


Evangelism & Outreach

We commit to reaching the lost and the suffering to offer hope and healing through the salvation in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9). We assist with the necessities of life such as food, clothes, and comfort (Isaiah 58:7; Matthew 25:34-40; Rom 12:13). We believe we are saved by grace through faith. (Eph 2:8).


We commit to studying and learning God’s Word so we can rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15). We seek to learn about and practice Godly behaviors where we bear His fruit (Phil 1:27; 1 Peter 1:13-16; Gal 5:22). We desire to know about the gifts that God has given each of us (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Cor 12) and how to use them to advance the kingdom.


The making of disciples is an active process facilitated by the entire church. We commit to the Great Commission where we are instructed to “make disciples” (Matt 28:19 NIV). We believe that if we abide in God’s Word then we are truly His disciples (John 8:31-38).


We will represent Christ beyond the walls of the church by being like-minded, sympathetic, compassionate, and humble (1 Peter 3:8). We commit to serving our community by offering programs and services that strengthen individuals and families through education, crisis support and advancement through socio-economic opportunities.

Evangelism & Outreach

Evangelism & Outreach

We commit to reaching the lost and the suffering to offer hope and healing through the salvation in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9). We assist with the necessities of life such as food, clothes, and comfort (Isaiah 58:7; Matthew 25:34-40; Rom 12:13). We believe we are saved by grace through faith. (Eph 2:8).



We commit to studying and learning God’s Word so we can rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15). We seek to learn about and practice Godly behaviors where we bear His fruit (Phil 1:27; 1 Peter 1:13-16; Gal 5:22). We desire to know about the gifts that God has given each of us (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Cor 12) and how to use them to advance the kingdom.



The making of disciples is an active process facilitated by the entire church. We commit to the Great Commission where we are instructed to “make disciples” (Matt 28:19 NIV). We believe that if we abide in God’s Word then we are truly His disciples (John 8:31-38).



We will represent Christ beyond the walls of the church by being like-minded, sympathetic, compassionate, and humble (1 Peter 3:8). We commit to serving our community by offering programs and services that strengthen individuals and families through education, crisis support and advancement through socio-economic opportunities.


We, the leaders and congregation of the Temple of Praise value:

1) The Word of God. The Holy Bible is our constitution and our standard of living that lights our
path (Psalm 119:105). It is the foundation on which we build our lives (2 Tim 3:16). The Word of
God is living and active (Hebrew 4:12). The Word has always existed and helps us understand
and appreciate who Christ is; it accomplishes what God sent it to do. (Isaiah 55:11; John 1:1;14)

2) Our Pastoral Leaders. We thank God for giving us anointed leaders after His own heart in the
persons of Bishop Glen A. Staples and Co-Pastor Sharon Harrington Staples for such a time as
this. We honor their labor to do God’s bidding as they care for our souls (1 Sam 13:14; Eph 4:11;
3 John 2).

3) Our Leaders and Staff. The Temple of Praise leaders, staff, and volunteers work tirelessly and
selflessly behind the scenes to serve God and His people with excellence. We honor each one,
name by name. The Christ said but he that is greatest among you shall be your servant (Matt

4) Our Congregation and Community. From the eldest member to the last one who joined the
ministry, we believe that you were drawn by the spirit of God to be nurtured and instructed by
God (John 6:44). We don’t take this for granted and will give our best to make you better. We
realize the church is not contained by our four walls; we are the church (2 Cor 6:16). We strive to
be a witness for Christ every day to bring light and show love everywhere we go. (Matt 5:14-16;
Eph 2:10; 1 John 4:7).

5) The Worship Experience. We are humbled by the manifested presence of God, who graces us
with His presence. We never get used to it, is a unique moment each time. We love to offer
praises to God for who He is and all He has done (Psalm 150:6). Our services are highly
expressive and liberating where one can praise and worship freely (2 Cor 3:17). All are welcome
to join us as we worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).




1) Increase opportunities for TOP clergy to exercise their gift of preaching and teaching during Sunday morning worship services, Wednesday night bible studies, and other preaching assignments.

2) Establish TOP ministry departments led by senior directors to expand and evolve recurring ministry programs, events, and activities.

3) Redesign the church operating model, organizational structure, and staffing model.

4) Prepare and connect the congregation with opportunities to serve in ministry areas and to volunteer across various components of the church best suited to their respective giftings, callings, experience, abilities, and/or passion.

5) Transform the TOP Online Campus (eChurch).

6) Establish and commission the TOP Community Council.

7) Develop and implement a TOP Leadership Development Program.

8) Secure accreditation for the GSMI Clergy Development Program.

9) Deliver planned community development projects (housing, family life, and wellness).

10) Construct a state-of-the-art church facility.